Anti-Spam and what to do today
It seems that anti-spam is, of course, all about verified identity. I really liked this article, and it got me looking into what I can do on my mail servers today. I realized that there are things I can do when I read this quote:
Reports indicate that as much as 50 percent of sending domains are authenticating their outbound e-mail using SIDF and signatures.Wow ... am I behind the times! I went to Google and did some searching. I found a great blog talking about SIDF where there are the following links describing where to read more and what to do.
The first link is the Microsoft SenderID page that has a lot of information. It also has a link to this SenderID Overview Presentation that gives a great overview of the concepts and how it works. The last link is to the Microsoft Sender ID SPF Record Wizard ... which will assist in creating the actual DNS records that you have to configure.
All of this is oriented towards telling the world that your mail server is the legitimate source of mail for your domains. Time to add more identity information about my mail server into DNS ... I'm creating my SPF Records right now ...
E-mail authentication. Then what?. Sendmail CEO Dave Anderson explains why we're approaching the end of e-mail as we know it. [CNET]