Saturday, January 13, 2007

The mediaFORGE videoWrapplet ...
For the last six months I've been working with mediaFORGE here in Salt Lake City, Utah as CTO. It's been a fun place to work as we have been combining some interesting back-end technologies for doing viral marketing analytics. As we began to work with Internet Videos, we started to think about some new ways to embed more than just one video within a portion of web page real estate.

As we were developing some other solutions for our customers, I worked with one of my developers to create a basic video player that we call our videoWrapplet. This little Flash application can be embedded in almost any web page, and provides a simple way to maintain a playlist of videos, and embed them into your home page, blog, Myspace page, or other website. What is fun is that you can create your account through this widget, and then login, edit your playlist, and get the HTML codes to embed in your page through the widget also. You can add any .flv flash video into your playlist, and so we support videos from a wide range of sites - YouTube, Google, Myspace, etc. You can also resize the player to be any size you want down to 200 pixels wide, and up to a full page width.

We also created a web site called cinemaFORGE where you can check out the videoWrapplet, and also where we aggregate some of the analytics about what videos people are playing in the videoWrapplet. We're about to add some analytics on the popular playlists also.

To get your videoWrapplet for your page simply click the "login" button on the videoWrapplet to the right, and then click the "Create an Account" button ... you'll pick a username, password, and provide an e-mail address and that's it! Once you confirm the e-mail address you can then login through the Wrapplet and begin to populate the playlist with your own videos. While logged in you can click the "Put this on your page..." bar and it will open revealing the codes to embed in your page.

I figure that some folks will think of some cool things they can do with this, and I was hoping to see someone use this to embed their vidcasts into their blog page. I'm about to do exactly that. If you check it out, and think of some cool ideas that you would like to see, then please visit our forums ... they are linked to by the graphic at the bottom of the player. We have a lot of ideas on where we want to take this ... I want to hear some of your ideas!


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