Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Privacy ... still just a case of obfuscation ...

Once again we are reminded that "privacy" is simply a case of obfuscation. We have "privacy" only because it is too difficult to sense certain things. We have the "privacy of our own homes" only becuase others can not see what goes on "behind closed doors."

This article is demonstrating that even that level of privacy is slowly eroding. With the newest version of this product, different military and police agencies can actually "see" through walls. Now obviously this is something that will be very costly as a product ... but with the rapid evolution of technology, how long until you or I will be able to purchase a device like this? 10 years? 5 years? 3 years? It is inevitable that we will have our own personal versions of this before too long ...
Company with a camera that sees through walls gets $14 million. Blog: Camero, a company out of Israel that has developed a camera that can "see" things through solid walls, has raised $14 million,... [CNET]


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